About us
We aim to be the best and work with the best.
43° South specialises in forage, turf and other seed multiplication, placing crops and pastures with over 250 of New Zealand’s most experienced seed growers.
With plentiful sunshine, fertile land, and clean, fresh air and water, our seeds are grown in world-renowned conditions. New Zealand - latitude 43° south.
Agronomy expertise that supports success.
We place crops and pastures with growers that show proven results from past productions, including having good irrigation practices and clear fields free of volunteers.
Our experienced agronomist works in close partnership with growers on site selection, soil fertility and spraying recommendations. We then support growers from start to finish with intensive crop management and monitoring, walking every production to ensure there are no rogue plants that will affect quality.
Plus, all 43° South seed also undergoes higher voluntary standard trials and checks conducted by an ISTA/AOSCA approved lab.
Backed by a proven reputation
We are part of South Pacific Seeds, an independent company with a strong global reputation earned by producing quality hybrid vegetable seed for almost thirty years.
South Pacific Seeds New Zealand (SPS NZ) has earned a strong global reputation by producing quality hybrid vegetable seed for almost thirty years. As New Zealand’s largest independent vegetable seed multiplier, SPS NZ partners with some of the country’s best arable farmers to produce seeds for a wide range of crops for customers all around the globe.
Ongoing investment
To remain at the leading edge of our industry, 43° South benefits from SPS NZ’s continual investments in personnel, technology, infrastructure, and research and development.